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Grinding Stories, Songs from Goa was first published in 2018. Several new storytellers have emerged since then and many new resources have added their stories. In this

volume, we have added those new discoveries in the original, interpreted them into the

English language and added some beautiful images of kaavi, a unique Goan architectural art.


These songs, called oviyos in Marathi and Konkani, are sung by women as they work at

and frustration. However, oviyos are also sung at pre-wedding ceremonies with groups

of two, five or seven married women singing these celebratory songs in unison. When

the Christian community in Goa was banned from singing oviyos at their pre-wedding

ceremonies, their Hindu neighbours obliged, singing for them. Even so, a small com-

munity of Christian Gavdas, living in the village of Paroda, Quepem, South Goa, have

managed to preserve the oviyos that were once sung by their grandmothers.


The tradition is highly endangered today and this yolume is an attempt to document

this unique and extraordinary expression of Goan oral history for posterity.

Grinding Stories Retold

  • More Information coming soon

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